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Palju Perfett! ‘Gigantic’ 31-Metre Żabbar Festa Banner Breaks National Record | Lovin Malta

Another festa-related national record was broken this week, this time from a house in Żabbar. In a series of photos shared yesterday, The Malta Records unveiled what has been confirmed as the biggest palju (damask banner) on the island, one dedicated to the Madonna tal-Grazzja (Our Lady of Graces). Breaking an existing record, the palju … Continued
• Living in Malta Archives – Lovin Malta | News…

Good Friday Processions And Hooded, Chain-Carrying Men – A Look Back In History | Lovin Malta

Among the Holy Week activities in Malta, Good Friday processions stand out as the most popular. These processions transform streets into open-air theatres, paying homage to Roman Catholic beliefs surrounding suffering, death, and resurrection. In certain towns like Victoria, Żebbuġ, and Mosta, hooded penitents adorned in white cloaks can often be spotted carrying crosses or … Continued
• Living in Malta Archives – Lovin Malta | News…